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24 mars 2021

Mer från IrakSolidaritet om webbinar 25 mars

Varmt välkomna till detta webbinar om Irak och den aktuella situationen
Mötet kommer att vara på engelska


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Meeting ID: 895 4675 3544
Passcode: 270407

Sigyn Meder: Welcome address


Salamaah Al-Zubaidi

Teacher and human rights activist. Took part in the protests in Baghdad and Basra for a month 2019-2020.

Dirk Adriaensens, BRussells Tribunal

Has particularly studied corruption and its consequences in Iraq.

Dr Mozhgan Savabieasfahani

Toxicologist, researcher. Recieved the Rachel Carson Prize in 2015 in Norway, on effects of the U.S. use of depleted uranium and other weapons in Iraq and why uranium weapons should be banned.

Questions from the public

Moderator: Christer Lundgren

Organizer: IrakSolidaritet (Swedish Iraq Solidarity Association)

Since October 1, 2019, mass demonstrations have been held in Iraq. Protesters challenge the political parties and politicians who came with the illegal U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003. They are fighting the sectarianism that the occupants imposed on Iraq through the constitution, quota systems, and electoral laws.

The repression has been fierce. At least 700 people have been killed and thousands injured. Security forces, federal police and militias have taken part in the repression. Total impunity prevails and the killers go free. At least five protesters were recently killed in Nasiriya. Demonstrations in solidarity with Nasiriya have been held in several cities.

The USA used depleted uranium and other chemical weapons in Iraq with fatal consequencies for the health situation.

Swedish military forces are participating in the U.S.-led so called "international coalition" in Iraq in spite of the strong demand of the Iraqi people and parliament that all foreign forces leave their country.
